Real Food, Real Fit!


For many of us the New Year marks another chance to check-in with where we are and hit the re-set button. But all too often, we get caught in the trap of setting super ambitious goals or unrealistic resolutions that we give up on the second we lose momentum.

At the beginning of the year, while many inevitably turn to exercising more or obsessing over calories in hopes of achieving “fitness” or what most typically equate with the ideal body type, it’s so easy to get caught up in an extreme “all-or-nothing” approach that just sets us up for failure. Often, our focus on one specific goal or area of our life comes at the expense of one or several others. We lose sight of the big picture when we forget about all of the other components important to achieving true health and wellness and REAL lifestyle “fitness”.

This year, don’t fall into the same pattern. Yes, set your intentions for the year, establish a SMART goal, but keep things in perspective—success is in the journey, not the destination! At Titan, we want to give you the tools you need to foster healthy habits in your life so you can practice being the best version of yourself, not just right now, but for the rest of your life!

I constantly talk about how regular exercise is just one piece of the puzzle when working towards optimal health. Yes, I want you to work hard when you’re at the gym so you have the strength and stamina to go on that hike, perform at your best on the court, or run around with the grand kids, but I also want you to recognize those other components of a balanced lifestyle routine like enhancing your nutrition.

Nutrition is often that missing link and there's no time like the present when it comes to optimizing your nutrition and focusing on your own health so I''ll be hosting an extended,  6-week round of the Real Food Challenge beginning January 15!

  • Boost your health and nutritional status with the power of whole foods in this 30-day modified elimination diet PLUS extended 2 weeks of reintroduction and food testing.

  • Cleanse, re-balance, and learn skills to make clean eating part of your daily life.

  • Learn to practice mindfulness and become more conscious and aware of how the foods you eat affect you.

  • Entire program available online and includes detailed Start-up Guide, food guidelines, shopping lists, vegetarian options, and sample meal plans

  • 6 weeks online support with lifestyle and nutrition tips, recipes, guidance, accountability, and real-time individualized feedback from me!

Email me for questions and to sign up!


3 Easy Steps to Improve Your Nutrition & Health


My Thanksgiving-inspired recipe run-through