Big Changes Coming to Titan!

To my nearest and dearest Titan Family,

I am writing today to inform you of some big and exciting changes coming to Titan. But first, a little background…

Almost 14 years ago while at UCSB, I worked at Titan as an intern and was offered my first full-time position upon graduation. Back then, I had no idea what my future would look like and just felt lucky to land a job after graduating during a recession. Since then, Titan has become a cornerstone of my life, and the place that ignited my passion for fitness and helping others.

Over the years, Titan has seen me transition through several different roles, professional achievements, and personal events including grad school, co-ownership with my colleague Matt Anderson and his wife Sarai, marriage to my best friend Ryan, and brain surgery.  While each milestone has brought its own set of joys, challenges, and key lessons, nothing has made me take pause to review all that’s unfolded in my life and reassess what matters most to me like my newest role as mother to my baby girl Emi.

From someone who takes pride in her work and can’t give less than 100% to any endeavor, suffice it to say that motherhood has presented a new set of challenges to my role as business owner. Lucky for me, Matt and our excellent staff --- Tracy, Will, and Nate, allowed me to step away during my maternity leave to solely focus on my little one. However, in the months since my return, I’ve come to realize and accept that I can’t do it all. So instead of continuing to add more to my over-full plate, I’ve decided to step back and slow down in order to be healthy and present for the new number one in my life.  

Please join me in congratulating  Amy Patten and Nate Rudeen as I officially pass off my title of co-owner to them next month. Of course, this decision did not come easy but was deemed necessary by my family and one that will prove beneficial to Titan as well. I am so grateful to have had a business partner and friend in Matt for 6 years and know that Titan will continue to thrive in this new and exciting chapter under Matt, Nate, and Amy’s leadership.

Cheers to health, happiness, and a new chapter,



Favorite Holiday Roasted Winter Vegetable Salad


Healthy Holiday Nutrition Challenge starts November 15!